
The story of the Alamo is world renowned and represents the core of Texas’ identity today. The ongoing effort to restore dignity and reverence to this sacred historic site through the comprehensive Alamo Plan is underway through the following three pillars:

  1. Preserve the 300-year-old Church and Long Barrack
  2. Recapture the original mission site and battlefield footprint
  3. Create a world-class Visitor Center and Museum to tell the full history of the site

The restoration of the Church and Long Barrack is progressing as planned and we unveiled the 18-Pounder Losoya House Exhibit in the southwest corner of Alamo Plaza along with the Palisade Exhibit, allowing visitors to better understand the original footprint of the Alamo as it was both during the Mission era as well as the Battle of 1836. The new 24,000 square-foot Alamo Exhibit at the Ralston Family Collections Center opened to the public on Friday, March 3, 2023, representing the first new construction on the Alamo grounds since the 1950s. It houses all of the Alamo artifacts, Alamo Collection, and Phil Collins Collection under one roof. It also features an exhibit space that will serve as museum until the proposed Visitor Center and Museum can be built. Plans for the opening of a state-of-the-art Alamo Visitor Center and Museum are on track for a 2027 grand opening.

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In June 2023, Governor Greg Abbott signed into law the more than $400 million appropriations request contained within the Texas State Budget for the Alamo Plan. This significant funding will play a crucial role in supporting the comprehensive restoration and revitalization efforts of the Alamo.

The Alamo holds Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, General Land Commissioner Dr. Dawn Buckingham, and the members of the Texas House and Senate in the highest regard, acknowledging their invaluable support in passing this momentous funding. Their visionary leadership and relentless efforts have paved the way forward for the Alamo Plan, ensuring the preservation and revitalization of this iconic historic site.

"We owe an immeasurable debt to the tireless support and steadfast dedication of Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, General Land Office Commissioner Dr. Dawn Buckingham, and the esteemed members of the Texas State Legislature. Their exceptional commitment has played an indispensable role in transforming the Alamo Plan into a reality by securing a monumental $400 million appropriations request for this historic site. This transformative funding will serve as a catalyst for the Shrine of Texas Liberty, preserving its history and fostering a meaningful connection with the countless visitors who journey to this revered site from every corner of the world." - Alamo Trust, Inc. and Remember the Alamo Foundation Board Members

The completion of the Alamo Plan will not only safeguard the physical structures of the historic Alamo Church and Long Barrack but also honor the sacrifices made by the individuals who lived, fought, and died at the Alamo. Thanks to Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, GLO Commissioner Dr. Dawn Buckingham, and the Texas State Legislature, the historic site will stand as a testament to Texas' profound history and create a lasting connection with the Alamo for generations to come.

Restore Reverence

Memorialize those who lived, fought, and died at the Alamo

Immediately following the reunification of the 1836 battlefield, steps were taken to remove 21st century distractions from the historic mission footprint to pay respect to all those who lived, fought, and died at the Alamo.

The continuous protests, street preachers, and political gatherings have been moved to a more respectful area off the former mission and battlefield, allowing visitors to better understand and remember the enormous sacrifice the Defenders made.

As the Alamo Plan continues to be implemented, additional measures will be taken to continue to restore reverence and dignity to one of the most historic sites in Texas history.

Additionally, security measures have been increased, protecting the Alamo Church, Long Barrack, and visitors from potential threats to the Texas icon through the installation of security bollards.

Preserve Church and Long Barrack

Long Barrack and Alamo Church, front view

Preservation is our top priority

The Alamo Church and the Long Barrack are the sole remaining structures from the Battle of the Alamo in 1836. We have brought in a world class team to preserve and conserve these two remaining buildings before they are lost completely.

Rising damp from the limestone foundation has led to deterioration of the Alamo Church walls, causing pieces of the stone walls to flake off and crumble, accelerating the deterioration of the historic building.

Most excavation units have been backfilled and the moisture/temperature monitors are in place. These will enable preservationists to recommend remedies for the preservation of each area of the Church. Borescope inspections help us pinpoint voids and concerns with stones inside the walls. We are completing cleaning protocols for the Long Barrack walls. 

Recapture Mission Site and Battlefield Footprint

Allow visitors to learn about history where it happened, the way it happened

The Alamo sits at the heart of the City of San Antonio. As the once small town grew into a thriving city around the Alamo, portions of the original mission site and historic battlefield footprint gave way to concrete and skyscrapers.

History tells us that there were once large stone walls that surrounded the Alamo footprint, creating a frontier fortress. There were acequias to bring in water, a southern gate, lodgings for soldiers and a headquarters where Col. William Barret Travis wrote his famous letter calling for reinforcements. Today, the Alamo Church and Long Barrack are the only two original buildings that remain. The rest has been lost to history, lost to the growth of San Antonio or simply lost all together.

Currently, when visitors approach Alamo Plaza many mistakenly assume that the Battle of the Alamo was fought only inside the Alamo Church, due to the build up of the city around the historic structure. Since May 2021, the portion of Alamo Street that runs in front of the Alamo Church has been closed to vehicular traffic. Still open to pedestrian traffic, this helps to improve the visitor experience with cars no longer running through the historic footprint. The Alamo Plan also calls for the closure of Alamo Street from Commerce to Peacock Alley, and Houston from Losoya to 3rd St and Crockett from Alamo Street to Bonham serving to further delineate the battlefield and restore dignity and reverence to the sacred ground where the Alamo Defenders shed blood.

Map of modern day San Antonio built across the Alamo Battleground
A modern day San Antonio built across the Alamo Battleground
Map of Alamo as it appeared during the 1836 siege
The Alamo as it appeared during the siege of 1836

The future Alamo District will encompass city and state property, that will include various distinct areas known as Alamo Plaza, Plaza de Valero, Alamo Promenade, Alamo Gardens, and the upper and lower Paseo del Alamo leading to the renowned River Walk. As part of this designation, certain sections of adjacent streets have already undergone or will soon undergo closure to vehicular traffic, transforming them into beautifully landscaped pedestrian spaces.

The boundaries of the district are approximately defined by Houston Street to the north, Commerce Street to the south, Bonham Street to the east, and Losoya Street to the west.

Create World-Class Visitor Center and Museum

Rendering of front facade of Alamo Visitor Center and Museum
A conceptual rendering of the Alamo Visitor Center and Museum, with the Crockett and Woolworth Buildings repurposed. Not final.

Tell the full 300-year-old history of the site

Plans for the opening of a state-of-the art Alamo Visitor Center and Museum are on track for a 2027 grand opening. We are working with the City of San Antonio to pursue new design concepts for exhibits on Alamo Plaza.

To provide the best visitor and learning experience possible, the Alamo consults with a team of Museum Consultants - renowned historians from all around the state of Texas and the United States. Alamo Trust, Inc. is also working with program manager, Gallagher & Associates and our Museum Planning Committee - historians, archaeologists, museum experts, and community stakeholders - to develop new exhibitions and programs that continue the Trust's work in telling the complete story of the Alamo.