Safeguarding the Alamo Cenotaph: Preserving Its Legacy in Place

History of the Alamo Cenotaph

The Alamo Cenotaph, also known as the Spirit of Sacrifice monument, stands as a solemn tribute to the individuals who valiantly defended the Alamo during the pivotal battle in 1836. Erected in the historic Alamo mission plaza in San Antonio, Texas, the Cenotaph was unveiled in 1940 to honor the memory of those who perished in the battle.

Designed by architect and sculptor Pompeo Coppini, the Cenotaph features a towering, intricate structure adorned with detailed reliefs depicting scenes from the battle. It serves as a powerful reminder of the courage and sacrifice displayed by the defenders during the struggle for Texas' independence.

Restoration Project Summary

The Alamo Cenotaph Restoration Project is a meticulous endeavor aimed at preserving and protecting this iconic monument for future generations.The restoration work involves a comprehensive approach to address structural issues and ensure the Cenotaph's longevity. This includes delicate removal of components of the monument for interior access to address concrete and structural repairs, waterproofing and coating, stone patching and cleaning, raking of mortar joints, repointing joints, and installing a new drainage system. These efforts are crucial to strengthening the monument and preserving its structural integrity.

ArchiTexas, Clark\Guido, and the Alamo Trust, Inc. are committed to following the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties throughout the restoration process.

Additionally, the restoration project will acquire all necessary permits from the Texas Historical Commission (THC) encompassing regulatory approvals and permissions essential for historic preservation and construction activities.

Throughout the restoration process, safety measures will be in place to protect Alamo visitors. A fenced area will be erected around the Cenotaph without wraps or covers to allow observation of the restoration work. Alamo Rangers will maintain a 24-hour presence on Alamo Plaza and will continuously monitor the monument via the Ranger’s security camera system. The goal of the restoration project is to return the Alamo Cenotaph to its original appearance while enhancing its structural stability. Additionally, the Alamo Trust, Inc. will develop a long-term maintenance plan to ensure regular cleaning and upkeep, reducing the need for future major restorations.

FAQs about the Alamo Cenotaph Restoration Project

  • Is the Cenotaph being moved?

    No. The Alamo Cenotaph is in need of vital repairs and is only being maintained so that it can continue to stand, where it will always stand, for future generations.

  • Will scaffolding be set up for the restoration?

    Yes, scaffolding will be installed to provide contractors with proper access to the structure for the restoration process. This is necessary to allow access to the Cenotaph's restoration.

  • Why is the restoration project being conducted?

    The restoration project is necessary to address critical structural issues of the Alamo Cenotaph  and to ensure its longevity for future generations.

  • How will the restoration work be carried out?

    The restoration work will involve delicate removal of components of the monument for concrete and structural repairs, waterproofing and coating, stone patching and cleaning, raking of mortar joints, repointing joints, and installation of a new drainage system.

  • How long will the restoration project take?

    The restoration project is scheduled to begin in Summer 2024 and conclude in early 2025.

  • Will there be limited access to the Cenotaph during the restoration?

    Yes, a fenced area will be erected around the Cenotaph without covers to allow observation of the restoration work while ensuring visitor safety.

  • What standards will be followed during the restoration?

    Architexas, Clark/Guido, and the Alamo Trust, Inc. are committed to following the U.S. Secretary of the Interior’s Standards  for the Treatment of Historic Properties throughout the restoration process. These standards ensure that the restoration work maintains the historical authenticity, significance, and integrity of the Alamo Cenotaph.

Updates on the Restoration

To stay up-to-date, kindly explore our website, where you can find comprehensive information about the ongoing Restoration Project of the Alamo Cenotaph.

We also extend an invitation to you to remain engaged with us via our official social media channels. To receive instant updates on the restoration progress, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Moreover, individuals from across the globe have the opportunity to observe the restoration as it unfolds through the Alamo's Cenotaph Live Camera. If you have any direct inquiries regarding the restoration, please feel free to reach out to:

Jonathan Huhn 
Communications Director
Alamo Trust, Inc.
(210) 293-6064


Emily Baucum
Public Relations Manager
Alamo Trust, Inc. 
(210) 669-0282