Backhoe Trench 7 was excavated on Monday (Figures 1 and 2). The east-west trench measured approximately 21.5 m (70.5 ft) in length and 76 centimeters (2.5 ft) in width, with an additional 30 cm (1 ft) bench on each side. The depth ranged from approximately 1 to 1.8 meters (3.5 to 6 ft) below surface. A sample was screened every third excavator bucket, except when the matrix was road base. Provenience was maintained by marking every 2 meters horizontally and every 30 cm vertically. Few artifacts were recovered: metal, glass, ceramic, and faunal bone. There were no features encountered in BHT 7.
On Tuesday archaeologists documented BHT 7. Both trench profiles were hand cleaned by archaeologists prior to photo documentation. We took photos of the trench walls in 2 meter increments. Leica points were taken of the trench corners and every depth at 1 meter increments. We mapped the entire length of the north profile, which enabled us to identify the various previous disturbances.