This update will include the last two weeks. Due to severe weather, only two days were spent in the field last week. Four excavation units were active- EUs 7, 17, 29, and 32.
EU-7 is positioned against the Long Barrack wall. Archaeologists reached a maximum depth of cm below surface. Two features were encountered. The first was a continuation of a structural feature previously encountered in the adjacent EU-6. The preliminary interpretation of this feature is that it is Spanish Colonial and had an architectural purpose. The second feature encountered by archaeologists was a compacted lime surface. This surface extended across most of the unit, further analysis is required before assigning a temporal designation. Excavation in this unit will continue next week.
EU-17 was excavated to a maximum depth of 100 cm below surface. This unit had at least one intentionally prepared surfaces. Additionally, this unit was located adjacent to Feature 36, a US Military period wall foundation. Compared to other units, EU-17 had few artifacts. Excavations in this unit are completed.