Long Barrack Archaeology Update - January 31

January 31, 2025

This update will include the last two weeks. Due to severe weather, only two days were spent in the field last week. Four excavation units were active- EUs 7, 17, 29, and 32.

EU-7 is positioned against the Long Barrack wall. Archaeologists reached a maximum depth of  cm below surface. Two features were encountered. The first was a continuation of a structural feature previously encountered in the adjacent EU-6. The preliminary interpretation of this feature is that it is Spanish Colonial and had an architectural purpose. The second feature encountered by archaeologists was a compacted lime surface. This surface extended across most of the unit, further analysis is required before assigning a temporal designation. Excavation in this unit will continue next week.

EU-17 was excavated to a maximum depth of 100 cm below surface. This unit had at least one intentionally prepared surfaces. Additionally, this unit was located adjacent to Feature 36, a US Military period wall foundation. Compared to other units, EU-17 had few artifacts. Excavations in this unit are completed.

Interior of an excavation unit with limestone step on one border
EU-7, photo facing west.
Ceramic fragments and coin artifacts next to a ruler for size
Artifacts from EU-7
Interior of an excavation unit with a flat surface
EU-17, photo facing south.

EU-29 was excavated to a maximum of 60 cm below surface. There was a thick, modern landscaping deposit at the top of this unit, as seen in previous units. Below the landscaping deposit was a sandy clay that was very rich in artifacts. Archaeologists encountered large pieces of ceramics, a porcelain doll fragment, and even a cuprous projectile.

EU-32 is on the eastern row of units. Archaeologists reached a depth of 50 cm below surface. The first four levels of this unit was a thick, modern landscaping deposit with a disturbance from the previous sidewalk. So far archaeologists have not encountered any features, but there is evidence of heavy burning and artifact density has increased.

Bottom surface of an excavation unit with two pipes above it
EU-29, photo facing west.
Square fragment of a ceramic with blue coloring
Puebla Polychrome ceramic from E-29.
White figurine leg on a pink background
Figurine leg, from EU-29
Goliad ceramic fragments next to a ruler for size
Goliad ceramics, from EU-29
Musket ball next to a ruler for size
Ammunition from EU-29.
Bottom surface of an excavation unit with one pipe across it
EU-32, photo facing west.