Long Barrack Archaeology Update - January 17

January 17, 2025

Excavations resumed last week at the Long Barrack. Archaeologists worked in EUs 9, 11, 13, and 20.

Excavation Unit 9 is located against the Long Barrack wall. Within this unit archaeologists encountered a compacted lime surface and two postholes. The compacted lime surface was an intentionally prepared “floor” at approximately 90 cm below current surface level. The lime surface is from the Spanish Colonial period. There were also two postholes encountered in this unit at depths consistent with the Spanish Colonial period. Artifacts include ceramics sherds, lithic debitage, brick, and shell. The unit terminated at 150 cm below surface.

Posthole of rock with a white board on the surface and ruler for size
Posthole in EU-9
Fragments of ceramics sherds, lithic debitage, brick, and shell on a blue background next to a ruler for size
Artifacts from EU-9

Excavation Unit 11 is located against the Long Barrack wall. This unit extended to a depth of 150 cm below surface. Deposits were consistent with previously excavated units. Artifacts recovered include ceramic sherds, lithic debitage, brick, mortar, snail shell, and glass fragments.

Posthole with a white board and ruler for size
Posthole in EU-11
Bead and medicine bottle artifacts on a blue background next a ruler for size
Bead and Medicine Bottle from EU-11

Excavation Unit 13 is located against the Long Barrack wall. Within this unit archaeologists encountered two postholes and one compacted caliche and lime surface. The deposits were consistent with previously excavated units. Archaeologists recovered artifacts such as ceramic sherds, lithic material, brick, mortar, glass fragments, and snail shell. The unit terminated at 150 cm below surface.

Flake fragment on a wire surface next a ruler for size
Flake from bottom levels of EU-13
Posthole with a lime surface next to a ruler for size
Posthole within EU-13

Excavation Unit 20 is located adjacent to EU-11. The soil deposits in this unit were consistent with the previously excavated units to the north and south. A distinct burning deposit was present throughout the unit at approximately 60 cm below surface; this episode was previously identified in adjacent units. Artifacts from this unit include a musket ball, ceramic sheds, lithic material, metal fragments and nails, glass fragments, brick, and mortar. Excavation in this unit will continue next week.

Square rocky surface in an excavation unit
Plan view of EU-20 at approximately 70 cm below surface
Ceramic fragment artifacts on a blue background next to a ruler for size
Ceramics from EU-20