Nava, Andrés

Andrés Nava, Alamo defender, was born in Texas in 1810. He was one of a group of native Texans enlisted for six months service under the command of Juan N. Seguín. He took part in the siege of Bexar and served in the Alamo garrison as a member of Seguín's company. Nava died in the battle of the Alamo on March 6, 1836. Demasio de los Reyes, who had been ordered into the Alamo to remove bodies to be burned, recognized Nava's body in the ruins and later swore to this fact. Nava's half-brother, Carmel Gonzara, and his sister, Dorotea Muñís, swore in an application for a grant of land that Nava died at the Alamo. On March 25, 1861, a note was placed in their file stating that they were too poor to carry the claim any further.