Long Barrack Archaeology Update - November 6

November 6, 2023

Excavations continued throughout the week in EUs 1, 3, and 5. Work focused on field excavations; however, Monday was spent in the lab due to adverse weather conditions.

In EU-1, archaeologists reached an approximate depth of 90 cm below surface. This unit has evidence of multiple subsurface work in this area. During excavations, a metal “post” with an associated post-mold was revealed. While on first glance it may appear that the metal fragment is intended to support the modern conduit, this metal fragment is a remnant of an older deposition and was likely inadvertently encountered during the installation of the utility. Archaeologists also encountered an old excavation unit that was likely a part of the 1979 investigations conducted by Ivey and Fox. Artifacts include construction material, ceramics, lithics, and a possible comb.

Excavation unit with a white board in the middle and a ruler for size
Inside of excavation unit with whiteboard and ruler to show depth
Metal fragment in EU-1.

In EU-3, archaeologists continued to expose Feature 3- the limestone footer. This feature was impacted by the builders’ trench (Feature 2). The builder’s trench is associated with improvements to the perimeter wall that encircled the Alamo site. Artifacts include construction materials, such as mortar and brick, as well as ceramics, lithics, and glass. There were also modern materials found in the builders’ trench, such as a Styrofoam cup. Excavations reached an approximate depth of 100 cm below surface.

In EU-5, archaeologists continued digging through the charcoal-rich silty loam deposit. This deposit is approximately 40 cm thick. Artifacts include a diverse range of ceramics, lithics, faunal fragments, nails, and glass shards. No features were encountered. The current depth is approximately 60 cm below surface.

Excavation unit with a small white board in the center bordered with tools
End of level photo of EU-3. Note the limestone footer in top right quadrant of photo.
Inside of excavation unit with tape measure to show width
Close-up of the charcoal-rich deposit in EU-5.