Long Barrack Archaeology Update - November 17

November 17, 2023

Excavations continued in EUs 1, 3, and 5 throughout the week. Artifact processing also continued in the lab.

In EU-1 the maximum depth reached was 110 cm below surface. During the week a compacted lime surface was encountered, and archaeologists continue to expose this feature. Limestone cobbles were present throughout the unit and could be indicative of construction fill. The quantity of artifacts has decreased as archaeologists dig deeper. Recovered artifacts include lithics and ceramics.

The maximum depth reached in EU-3 was 120 cm below surface. Archaeologists have reached intact clay loam. Artifact densities have decreased drastically. There is a noticeable increased in natural chert and snail shell, suggesting levels predating occupation of the site will soon be encountered. No features were encountered this week.

Archaeologist cleaning the compacted lime surface inside excavation unit
Archaeologist cleaning the compacted lime surface.
Archaeologist cleaning inside of excavation unit with a brush
Archaeologist cleaning the unit for photos.

In EU-5 archaeologists excavated to a maximum depth of 90 cm below surface. The soil transitioned from a silty loam to a sandy clay with several limestone cobble inclusions. The quantity of artifacts drastically decreased, with only charcoal, brick and faunal fragments recovered. No features were present in the unit.

During artifact processing in the lab, archaeologists cleaned and cataloged several bags of artifacts. One of the most exciting artifacts of the week was two fragments of a ceramic figurine. One fragment represents an animal head, while the other fragment is likely a body fragment. While the two pieces do not fit together, it is possible they are from the same figurine and some fragments may be missing.

Archaeologist on bended knee facing inside of excavation unit
Archaeologist excavating in EU-5.
Two fragments of a ceramic figurine next to a ruler for size
Figurine fragments.